Fort Washington Little League Little League Baseball Softball Contact Volunteers

My child wants to play but I don't have time.   Sure you do!   It's your child.
Why Volunteer?

The FWLL is a community activity for several hundred males and females that have an opportunity to play Little League Baseball.  As such, we need several dozen volunteers to serve as managers and coaches, volunteer umpires, team parents, concessions workers, as well as assistants in the preparation of the fields prior to the start of the season.  We need your help to keep the spirit alive and to ensure our children another fun season. Your managers, coaches, and umpires are UNPAID volunteers, as are all the members of the FWLL Board of Directors & Staff.  However, the assistance of many additional people is required from both an operational and financial viewpoint.  Such assistance can only come from the general membership - the mothers and fathers, relatives, and friends of the players.  FWLL requests that parents/guardians willingly volunteer to assist the Board of  Directors & Staff. The youngsters need you - the league needs you.  Show them that you care.  So, when you go to registration, please ask How Can I Volunteer?


Does FWLL conduct background checks on volunteers?

FWLL has conducted background checks on it volunteers before Little League Baseball, Inc. mandated this as a requirement.  Background checks are conducted on managers, coaches, Board of Directors & Staff and any other persons, volunteers or hired workers, who provide regular service to the league and/or have repetitive access to, or contact with, players or teams.  Individuals are required to complete and submit a Little League Volunteer Application to FWLL who then uses ChoicePoint.  You can obtain this form at the following link:


For more information visit the Little League Baseball, Inc. web site at

What are FWLL’s expectations of parents?
Participation in FWLL is a family event.  Consequently, FWLL encourages every parent to get involved and...- Attend your child’s practices and games- Give positive encouragement don’t create pressure- Demonstrate good sportsmanship whether the team wins or loses- Remember the coaches & umpires are volunteers, show them respect and support- Volunteer to keep score, announce, umpire, or prepare fields before and after games- Fulfill your responsibility to all league fundraising efforts - Practice with your child, teaching the skills of the game- Remember that the game is for the players

- Have fun, winning is nice, but losing is inevitable

What are key dates to remember?

 Registration                                  February

 Field Preparation                           February - March

 Opening Day                                 April

 Closing Ceremony                         June

 Tournaments                                Late June thru July
Why does our season begin so early?  You may ask why everything starts so early.  Well, we actually take a look at when the season ends and work backwards from there.  Each year FWLL enters into tournament competition.  This date is set by Little League Headquarters in Williamsport, Pennsylvania.  After acquiring this information, a schedule of games is constructed for the 16 leagues that play within Maryland District 7. 

Early Registration enables FWLL to complete the vast number of things that must be done in preparation for opening day.  This includes: allowing sufficient time for all to register; time to complete the manager selection and approval process; time to complete the player draft and team assignments; and perhaps the biggest task of all --preparing the fields for play.